Teaching Critical Thinking and Inference for Deeper Reading

TLDR; The speaker emphasizes the importance of teaching deep reading, inference, and critical thinking over test prep, and shares the success of a non-conventional teaching approach.

💡 Deeper Reading

The focus is on teaching students to go beyond just understanding what a text says.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of being able to tell what a text doesn't say.

The speaker wants students to engage in discussions about what is not explicitly stated in the text, fostering critical thinking and inference skills.

📚 Inferential Thinking Practice

The speaker uses a magazine called 'The Week' to help students practice inferential thinking.

Students are asked to create a t-chart in their writer's notebook, with one side for what the text says and the other for what it doesn't say.

This exercise encourages students to think beyond the text and consider the implications and inferences.

📖 Preparation for Novels and Editorials

The t-chart exercise prepares students for deeper comprehension when they eventually study novels and editorials.

The goal is for students to have already practiced inferential thinking when they engage with more complex texts.

This approach aims to build a strong foundation for deeper reading and critical thinking skills.

🚫 Emphasis on Test Prep

The speaker expresses a concern that an emphasis on test preparation may hinder struggling readers' progress.

Emphasizing test prep could potentially keep struggling readers at the same level of reading proficiency.

The speaker advocates for a shift away from test prep towards a focus on deeper reading and comprehension.

📈 Addressing Remedial Reading

The speaker highlights the need to reevaluate remedial reading programs if students remain in them without progress.

There's a call for a close examination of the effectiveness of remedial reading programs.

An example of success is shared, where a non-conventional teaching approach led to significant improvement in students' reading levels.

👩‍🏫 Success of Non-Conventional Approach

The speaker shares a successful teaching approach that resulted in students jumping three grade levels in reading proficiency.

The approach involved two days of readers workshop and two days of writers workshop each week.

Through extensive reading and writing exercises, students made significant progress, demonstrating the effectiveness of this non-conventional approach.

💊 Avoiding the 'Magic Pill'

The speaker criticizes the common desire for a 'magic pill' or program to instantly improve students' reading abilities.

This highlights the need for a shift in mindset from seeking quick fixes to implementing effective and comprehensive teaching methods.

There's an emphasis on the importance of investing time and effort in nurturing students' reading skills through thoughtful teaching practices.

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