Converting Radians to Degrees Using Unit Fractions

TLDR; Converting angles from radians to degrees using unit fractions based on the definition of 2 Pi radians equals 360 degrees.

💡 Unit Fraction Conversion

To convert angles from radians to degrees, a unit fraction is used based on the definition that 2 Pi radians equals 360 degrees.

The unit fraction for this conversion is Pi divided by 180 degrees equals 1, and it is used to convert from radians to degrees.

Similarly, the unit fraction 180 degrees divided by Pi radians equals 1 is used to convert from degrees to radians.

This approach allows for the conversion between radians and degrees using unit fractions.

📐 Example 1: Radians to Degrees

Multiplying by 180 degrees divided by Pi radians converts radians to degrees.

The simplified calculation results in 150 degrees for the given angle.

This showcases the process of converting radians to degrees using the unit fraction approach.

🔢 Example 2: Radians to Degrees

Applying the conversion process yields -40 degrees for the given angle.

The denominator remains 1, demonstrating the consistency of the unit fraction conversion method.

🔄 Angles Without Pi

Even when angles in radians do not contain Pi, the conversion process remains the same.

Using the unit fraction 180 degrees divided by Pi, the angle is converted to approximately 120.3 degrees.

This showcases the application of the conversion method for radian angles not explicitly containing Pi.

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