Earn Passive Income from Medium and iOS App: A $360 Success Story

TLDR; The video discusses earning from writing on Medium and an iOS app, with $187 from Medium and $173 from the app, totaling $360, showcasing passive income from side projects.

💰 Writing on Medium

The speaker has earned over $187 from writing on Medium, with two popular posts generating passive income.

Additionally, the speaker receives $2 every month from new subscribers who purchase the premium subscription after reading their stories.

The total passive income from Medium is around $4 per month, and the speaker does not expect to earn more but is content with the side project's outcome.

📱 iOS App

The speaker created an iOS app, a Norwegian drinking game, which has earned around $173 in total.

Despite minimal advertising, the app has garnered approximately 300 downloads and 50 sales of the full version, resulting in passive income.

The speaker plans to revamp the app in the coming weeks and will provide updates on the progress to the audience.

🧮 Summary

The total passive income from programming side projects amounts to $360, showcasing the success of the speaker's endeavors.

The speaker expresses satisfaction with earning almost $1 every single day from these passive revenue streams.

The audience is encouraged to engage with the video through comments, likes, and subscriptions for future content updates.

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