Impressive Augmented Reality Experience with Vision Pro: Comfort, Features, and Limitations

TLDR; The Vision Pro is used for 8 hours, providing a comfortable experience with impressive features, but with limitations and issues.

Initial Wear

The speaker is nervous but excited to wear the Vision Pro for a full 8 hours while working without taking it off.

Initially worn for 3.5 hours, the speaker finds it comfortable but switches to a more comfortable strap for the longer duration.

👓 Augmented Reality Experience

The speaker shares the experience of using the Vision Pro, noting the detailed rendering but limited pass-through quality for real-world views.

The speaker demonstrates how they can seamlessly switch between the virtual and real world, adjusting the display size and quality.

💻 Working Environment

The speaker sets up a productive working environment with multiple windows and apps, utilizing the Vision Pro's capabilities for multitasking and efficiency.

They highlight the convenience of being able to resize and position virtual displays, providing a seamless transition between different tasks.

🔊 Audio and Interaction

The speaker discusses the audio quality and interaction with the Vision Pro, emphasizing the immersive experience and the ability to blend the virtual and real world seamlessly.

They share the convenience of using voice commands and the surprising responsiveness of drawing and signing documents in the virtual space.

🖥️ Limitations and Issues

The speaker encounters limitations, such as the absence of digital connections and the inability to stream audio from the Mac to the headset while using the Vision Pro.

They express frustration with the inability to use Mac OS on the Vision Pro and the limitations in controlling applications with gestures.

👍 Comfort and Impression

After 8 hours of use, the speaker expresses surprise at the comfort and lack of discomfort or heat, despite initial concerns.

They emphasize being impressed by the Vision Pro's features and express excitement for its potential, indicating a positive overall impression.

⚠️ Adaptation and Future Use

The speaker reflects on the adaptation to lower resolution and expresses interest in using the Vision Pro for a full 24 hours, highlighting the potential for extended use and diverse activities.

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