11 Steps to Ruin Your Life: A Guide to Self-Destruction

TLDR; The video outlines 11 steps to ruin your life, including body language, phone use, tardiness, blaming others, and negative behaviors.

⛔️ Closed Body Language

Slouching and keeping your head down reduces social interaction and friendship opportunities.

Avoiding eye contact and appearing socially unreceptive decreases spontaneous human interaction.

The goal is to make everyone just get out of your way and leave you alone.

📱 Phone Distraction

Check your phone when in doubt to avoid interacting with others.

Make checking your phone your default behavior, making genuine interaction a rarity.

Tickling your brain stem with phone distraction reduces the risk of unpredictable interactions.

Tardiness & Excuses

Never be early to anything and always show up right on time or a few minutes late.

Make excuses for being late or making mistakes, never owning up to them or trying to correct them.

Cycling through a rotation of excuses and blaming something or someone else is essential.

🎯 External Locus of Control

Develop an external locus of control, believing that nothing is your fault and that you have no part to play in your misfortune.

Trick your subconscious into relinquishing control of your fortune, leading to the belief that success will just happen to you.

🌟 Stealing the Spotlight

Always steer the conversation back to yourself, never asking anybody how they're doing.

Acting this way makes you exhausting to be around, leading to losing friends instead of gaining them.

🗣️ Detracting & Negativity

Talk about others in a negative light and become proficient at noticing their flaws.

Let any celebration or words of affirmation sour in your wake, making you toxic to be around.

🃏 Shape Shifting

Act one way in front of others and another way behind closed doors, leading to a loss of identity.

Be so unfamiliar with your own moral standards that you become unpredictable even to yourself.

🙏 Rejecting Effort and Humility

Reject planning and the humility of prayer, simply wishing for things to be different.

Refuse to play an active role in shaping your destiny, waiting for external change.

💪 Participating in Destructive Behaviors

Engage in activities that steal your life and convince yourself that what's good for you is bad.

Taking the path of least resistance and avoiding behaviors that make you feel strong is crucial.

😔 Believing in Unworthiness

Believe that you are unworthy of redemption and subscribe to the idea that no matter what you do, you're destined for condemnation.

This belief makes it much easier to continue doing bad things, living as if it's already too late to change.

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