Rick Rubin: Creative Process, Meditation, and Artistic Mentorship

TLDR; Rick Rubin discusses coherence breathing, meditation, childhood activities, magic, mentalists, writer's block, deadlines, uncertainty, and his approach to working with artists during the creative process.

🌬️ Coherence Breathing

Rick Rubin discusses a coherence breathing exercise to increase heart rate variability, emphasizing the importance of raising heart rate variability for optimal health.

The exercise involves taking deep breaths while focusing on the sound of 'ah' to improve heart rate variability.

He practices coherence breathing at least once or twice a day for 10-20 minutes to enhance heart rate variability results.

🧘 Meditation Practices

Rick Rubin shares his meditation practices, including Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the Meta loving-kindness practice.

He emphasizes the benefits of meditation in regulating reactions in the real world, stating that meditation is a practice for life.

Rubin highlights the importance of different meditation practices for stress regulation, creativity, and overall well-being.

👶 Childhood Activities

Rick Rubin recalls enjoying reading, listening to music, and playing guitar as a child, despite not being proficient at it.

He also mentions an interest in magic, especially sleight of hand and coin tricks, and the joy of playing with the idea of magic.

Rubin expresses a fondness for mentalists and their ability to perform seemingly impossible acts, describing it as 'pure magic.'

🎩 Writer's Block & Creativity

Rick Rubin addresses the concept of writer's block, emphasizing the need to embrace uncertainty and view creative work as personal diary entries.

He encourages focusing on creating for oneself without the pressure of external judgment, allowing for a more open and honest creative process.

Rubin shares his approach to overcoming writer's block, highlighting the importance of accepting uncertainty and working through anxiety to maintain creative freedom.


Rick Rubin discusses the role of deadlines in the creative process, stating that they become helpful once the core idea has been established.

He emphasizes the importance of the initial creative phase being free from constraints, allowing for exploration and discovery.

Rubin acknowledges the positive influence of deadlines in refining and completing creative projects once the fundamental work has been done.

🤔 Uncertainty & Challenges

Rick Rubin acknowledges his comfort with uncertainty but admits to feeling anxiety when starting a new project.

He emphasizes the importance of accepting uncertainty as part of the creative process and sees it as an opportunity for growth.

Rubin highlights the need to address any challenges that interfere with the creative work to maintain focus and productivity.

🎶 Working with Artists

Rick Rubin shares his approach to working with artists, addressing any challenges that may affect the creative process.

He emphasizes the importance of maintaining focus on the work while acknowledging that therapeutic discussions can sometimes enhance the creative process.

Rubin prioritizes creating an environment where artists feel supported and free from obstacles that may hinder their work.

Supporting Artists

Rubin sometimes finds himself playing a psychological and emotional mentor role to artists, helping them overcome challenges interfering with their work.

He emphasizes the importance of discussing anything that gets in the way of the work to enable a therapeutic process during the creative collaboration.

💡 Embracing Painful Emotions

The video references a quote from Rubin's book, suggesting that artists may use drugs to numb painful existence caused by their incredible sensitivity.

Rubin relates to this sensitivity, stating that nurturing the internal life inevitably leads to sacrifices and that he spent a lot of time alone as a child.

🎶 Impact of Johnny Cash

Rubin speaks highly of Johnny Cash, emphasizing his soulful and knowledgeable character, and how his strength as an artist came from his honesty and gravitas.

He highlights that Cash's impact was not solely due to his singing or songwriting abilities, but rather the depth of his being and his ability to convey believable stories.

⚖️ Process Over Outcome

Rubin advises against putting energy into the part of the creative process that is out of one's control, emphasizing the importance of making the best thing without focusing on the outcome.

He underlines that thinking about the outcome undermines the work, and it's essential to focus on the process before considering the outcome.

🌐 Impact of the Internet

Rubin discusses the benefits of having all information at our fingertips but also highlights the challenge of sorting through an overwhelming amount of information.

He shares his experience with music streaming and how he discovered his preference for curated playlists and online radio stations over picking out music himself.

🛌 Dreams and Unconscious Mind

Rubin discusses the potential insights gained from keeping a dream journal and the role of the unconscious mind in dreams and learning.

He highlights the importance of understanding one's unconscious mind and how dreams can provide reflections and analogies based on life experiences.

🎭 Story of Andrew Dice Clay

Rubin shares a story about comedian Andrew Dice Clay, highlighting the impact of external reactions on an artist's work and the importance of staying true to oneself.

He emphasizes the significance of being pure in one's artistic expression and how seeking approval from others can undermine one's creative gift.

🎙️ Career Advice and Book Writing

Rubin advises starting comedians to be true to themselves and not to listen to anyone, emphasizing the importance of authenticity.

He offers advice on book writing, encouraging to focus on completing a draft rather than getting bogged down in individual details.

💡 Book Writing Advice

Rick Rubin advises to focus on completing a draft before fine-tuning details.

He suggests not getting bogged down in individual details at the expense of completing the project.

Rubin's advice emphasizes achieving a complete draft before refining the work.

📝 Journaling and Expressive Writing

Rubin shares that he journals diary entries of 1-8 handwritten pages since high school.

He uses journaling to express frustrations and positive experiences, citing the benefits of expressive writing.

Rubin discusses the process of journaling to release emotions and reflect on life's cycles.

🧠 Expressive Writing Studies

Rubin discusses 'expressive writing', supported by over 200 peer-reviewed studies.

He explains the positive shifts in psychology, physiology, and immune system function from the practice.

Rubin plans to dedicate a podcast episode to the topic due to the compelling data on its benefits.

💰 Money & Creativity

Rubin shares his DIY approach from his punk rock background, emphasizing creativity and execution over financial considerations.

He views money as another form of energy and focuses on the idea and its execution.

Rubin's perspective highlights the importance of ingenuity in overcoming financial limitations to bring creative ideas to life.

📓 Capturing Ideas

Rubin mentions capturing and curating ideas through handwritten notes and voice memos.

He acknowledges the challenge of deciphering notes at a later time but considers the voice memo method worth trying.

Rubin shares his approach to capturing and organizing creative ideas for future projects.

🍄 Psychedelics

Rubin discusses his curiosity about psychedelics and shares insights on specific types, including their uses and associated risks.

He reflects on his experiences with MDMA as part of a therapeutic trial and expresses interest in potential future experimentation.

Rubin provides a balanced view of psychedelics, highlighting the potential benefits and considerations for introspective work.

🌍 News Consumption

Rubin expresses skepticism about news stories and the challenges of discerning truth in media.

He shares personal experiences of false stories and emphasizes the difficulty in trusting news about others.

Rubin's insights shed light on the complexities of news consumption and the prevalence of false information.

🌅 Daily Routine

Rubin shares his morning routine, including sun exposure, physical activity, and avoiding work-related tasks until later in the day.

He emphasizes the importance of taking time for physical activities and stretching before engaging in work.

Rubin's routine reflects a deliberate approach to starting the day and maintaining a balance between work and relaxation in the evenings.

Daily Routine

Rick Rubin describes his daily routine, which involves avoiding work until around 11 a.m.

and engaging in focused work until 6 p.m. He then winds down in the evening to transition out of work mode.

His evening wind down includes spending time with his family, wearing red glasses, and avoiding stimulating activities or work-related calls.

He emphasizes the importance of avoiding stimulating activities or work-related calls in the evening to wind down effectively.

He aims to be in bed by 10 p.m. and fall asleep within 15 minutes. This routine helps him maintain a healthy work-life balance and transition into a restful sleep.

Rick Rubin's structured approach to his daily routine highlights the significance of work-life balance and the importance of winding down effectively to prepare for restful sleep.

💡 Impact of Light on Cortisol Levels

Rick Rubin discusses the impact of light on cortisol levels, emphasizing the importance of avoiding bright artificial light exposure in the evening.

He wears red lens glasses in the evening to limit exposure to bright artificial light, which has benefited his sleep quality and overall well-being.

He highlights the benefits of limiting exposure to bright artificial light in the evening, citing data that shows the suppression of cortisol levels under red light, as compared to exposure to bright artificial lights without red lens glasses.

Rick Rubin's insights underscore the significance of managing light exposure, particularly in the evening, to regulate cortisol levels and improve sleep quality.

🍔 Impact of Cheap, Nutrient-Depleted Calories

Rick Rubin discusses the correlation between the availability of cheap, nutrient-depleted calories and the obesity crisis.

He explains that the abundance of cheap, nutrient-depleted calories has contributed to the rise in obesity, as these calories lack essential nutrients.

He also mentions the change in lighting technology, highlighting the prevalence of cheap blue light photons, which has further influenced dietary habits and overall health.

This insight sheds light on the complex interplay between diet, lighting, and health.

Rick Rubin's observations provide valuable insights into the potential factors contributing to the obesity crisis, emphasizing the need for nutritious food options and mindful lighting practices.

🎓 Separation of Creative Process from Academic Scholarship

Rick Rubin emphasizes the unique separation of the creative process from academic scholarship, highlighting the benefits of creative freedom.

He uses examples of iconic music artists to illustrate the freedom that comes from not being confined to traditional academic structures.

He discusses the limitations that academic scholarship might impose on the creative process, emphasizing the importance of allowing artists to express themselves without formal constraints.

This distinction underscores the value of creative freedom and its impact on artistic expression.

Rick Rubin's insights shed light on the distinct nature of the creative process and its independence from traditional academic frameworks, highlighting the role of freedom in fostering artistic innovation.

💑 Significance of Relationships in Life

Rick Rubin discusses the importance of relationships, highlighting the ideal scenario where work is the most stressful part of life, while home serves as a safe place.

He emphasizes the role of relationships in providing emotional support and stability.

He shares his perspective on the significance of maintaining a healthy balance between work and personal relationships, underscoring the value of having a supportive and nurturing home environment.

Rick Rubin's insights emphasize the profound impact of relationships on overall well-being and the role of a supportive home environment in fostering personal growth and resilience.

🎙️ Unique Approach to Podcasting and Conversation

Rick Rubin shares his unique approach to podcasting, focusing on creating an intimate and personal conversational experience.

He highlights the importance of natural and unscripted conversations, emphasizing the value of genuine interactions.

He discusses the role of the audience as participants in the conversation, creating an intimate and immersive listening experience.

His approach prioritizes authenticity and genuine curiosity, shaping a distinct podcasting style.

Rick Rubin's approach to podcasting underscores the significance of genuine and unscripted conversations, fostering an intimate and immersive listening experience for the audience.

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