Achieving Goals: Leading Metrics, Process Goals, and Consistency

TLDR; Setting goals involves choosing leading metrics over lagging ones, focusing on process goals, and aligning daily actions with long-term objectives.

Leading vs. Lagging Metrics

There are two kinds of metrics: leading and lagging. Lagging metrics, like weight or revenue, are easy to measure but don't drive progress.

Leading metrics, such as total calories consumed or burned, are harder to measure but directly impact the lagging metric.

The speaker gives the example of weight loss, explaining that the weight itself is a lagging metric, while the total calories consumed and burned are leading metrics.

These leading metrics guide daily actions and decisions, providing a clear path towards the lagging metric goal.

By focusing on leading metrics rather than lagging ones, individuals can make measurable progress and have a clear direction for achieving their goals.

📈 Process Goals vs. Outcome Goals

Setting outcome goals, like losing 5 lbs, is discouraged as they often lead to temporary success followed by regression.

Instead, process goals, such as going for a 10-minute walk every day, are recommended.

Process goals are based on leading metrics and provide a consistent approach to achieving long-term success.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of aligning daily actions with process goals, as they offer a sustainable and effective way to work towards desired outcomes.

Process goals ensure that individuals focus on the journey rather than fixating on specific outcomes, leading to more sustainable and fulfilling progress.

🏋️ Examples of Process Goals

The speaker shares a personal example from Pottery, where setting goals against the items made led to dissatisfaction.

Instead, the focus shifted to process goals, such as going through a certain amount of clay during each session, resulting in a more fulfilling and productive approach.

Another example highlighted is in the context of revenue targets. Rather than fixating on a monetary goal, the focus shifted to process metrics, such as increasing fees for each client or sending out a specific number of emails.

This approach provided clarity and control over the path to achieving the desired revenue.

The emphasis is on process goals that provide clarity and actionable steps, ultimately leading to consistent progress and a more positive mindset.

🎯 Consistency and Adaptability

Consistently training or consistently following a process, like sending out a specific number of emails, is highlighted as a key factor in achieving long-term success.

The speaker stresses the importance of focusing on the next steps after achieving an outcome, highlighting the need for adaptability and continuous improvement.

By focusing on process goals and being adaptable, individuals can maintain momentum and continue to progress even after achieving specific outcomes.

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